7 Spring Allergy Symptoms
Spring is lovely, but on the other hand, it is a time of year where several allergies come to surface. As plants release dust and pollens, a considerable number of people with hay fever begin to sneeze and sniffle. There is no cure, however, you can find a way to control springtime hypersensitivities and allergies. These range from prescription drugs to home remedies and herbal solutions. But for this, you need to know the spring allergy symptoms.
The most significant trigger for spring allergy is dust. Trees, grasses, and weeds discharge these small grains into the air. When they enter the system of someone who is allergic or hypersensitive, they tend to bring down the body’s resistance.

The immune system reacts with the dust and pollens and discharges antibodies that attack the allergens. That leads to the formation of chemicals called histamines in the blood. Histamines trigger a runny nose, irritable eyes, and different side effects that are recognizable in case you have such allergies. Spring allergy symptoms are different for different people and range from mild to severe. The most widely identified signs include:
- Wheezing or sneezing
It is one of the most common spring allergy symptoms that occur right as the allergen enters your nose.
Apart from sneezing, one of the most prominent spring allergy symptoms is a runny or stuffy nose. Although it begins with a dry nose, however, gradually, water and mucus from the sinuses start producing rapidly and thus, the person has to then deal with a runny nose. Usually, the nose is stuffed all day, and the person might even experience a headache.
Due to the constant sneezing and runny nose, the eyes start getting watery as well. Even if the person is not sneezing anymore, the water starts coming out of their tear ducts. Sometimes, when a person is not able to sneeze, the sneeze that is held in can lead to watery and irritated eyes.
As mentioned above, the sinuses start to fill up as a part of the spring allergy symptoms and the person’s ears, and throat start to feel blocked and the feeling is equivalent to that of a cold during a viral or a fever. Since the sinuses are blocked, it can create a feeling of a heavy head and lead to minor headaches or migraines. The best way to get rid of it is to inhale some steam to unblock the nose and the head. However, you should exercise some caution while doing so. It might become hard for you to hear properly since the allergies block the entire ear pipe that comes through the nose. This might cause pain in specific veins that go through your head. In such situations, one should avoid air travel or traveling to higher altitudes.
Some of the other less common symptoms include:
- Migraine
As mentioned above, spring allergy symptoms also include minor migraines since all your sinuses and airways get blocked. This way your head starts to feel heavy and starts aching either in intervals or continuously. This might even go on for days. - Difficulty while breathing
Some people might develop minor asthma during such a season. They usually have trouble while breathing and need to keep their nostrils and mouth covered to avoid such a situation. These pollens tend to block the airways and change the breathing pattern. - Coughing
Coughing is also very common since your breathing patterns change. Therefore, your body tries to bring your breathing patterns back to normal by initiating coughs. If the pollens enter your system, the body tries to throw them out by initiating dry coughs. Moreover, you might have a constant cough so that you can eliminate the trapped mucus from your body.
Usually, all these allergens tend to trigger various types of major or minor respiratory problems. They are typically triggered by bronchial tubes that face trouble in expanding or breathing properly. In exceptionally uncommon cases, it can lead to severe allergies or hypersensitivities. You need to keep an eye and notice the spring allergy symptoms before they cause further infection and choking.