Best cell phone plans for families
When you look for the best cell phone packages for your family, you must pick one that provides you and your family with unlimited data. If there are more members in your family, then naturally, the data consumption will also be more. In this article, we will look at some of the best cell phone packages for families. Let us get started and address them one by one.
T-Mobile Magenta
If you need one of the best cell phone plans, then T Mobile can be your go-to pick. As part of this plan, every member gets unlimited 5G data on all the plans. The good thing about all the T Mobile plans is that they are exceptionally economical.

Consequently, the cost adds up to $140 instead of $160. This is inclusive of all fees and taxes. You also get a $9 Netflix subscription and 5GB LTE hotspot data.
Visible – Party Pay
Even though Visible does not have family cell phone plans, it has a Party Pay feature. In this plan, you can get four accounts for $25 per line. If you have two or three family members, then you can bundle a small party price at $35 or $30 per connection, respectively.
Boost Mobile
Not every family comprises of four members. If you are a couple, you need to find a lower pricing plan; you can gravitate towards Boost Mobile. Boost charges a $60 monthly rate, but you can get two lines for $100. In this plan, you get unlimited text and talk, along with 35 GB of LTE data. In addition, the plan allows 30GB of mobile hotspot and HD streaming per month.
US Mobile – Unlimited All
The Unlimited All Plan of US Mobile offers “Ludicrous” data that provides you with all the text, talk, and data required at the speed of up to 200Mbps. You also get many perks to pick from, but the rule is simple, the more lines you add, the more perks you earn. You get all of it at $100/month for four lines. There are also multiple entertainment options included in the plans.