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Save big with allergy relief coupons

Save big with allergy relief coupons

Most people are aware of coupons and money-back saving schemes for food, apparels, and shoes. However, did you know that even drugstores offer saving opportunities on some of their special brands of medicines? Read on to know more. These coupons provide you with the benefit of coupling the coupon with money-back rewards.
Allergies in children

Allergies in children

Kids are magnets for colds. In any case, when wheezing and sniffling persist for a long time, it can be hypersensitivities. Enduring sniffling, with a runny nose, may flag the nearness of hypersensitive rhinitis. A collection of side effects influences the nose when you breathe in something unfavorable. Hypersensitivities might be regular or can strike year round.
Seasonal allergies – An overview

Seasonal allergies – An overview

If you are one of those 36 million Americans who suffer from seasonal allergy problems like a runny nose, itchy eyes and congestion, then this article is a must-read for you. Most probably, you are suffering from typical fall allergy symptoms. These signs may slow you down and stop you from leading a normal life.
Severe acid reflux – Causes and treatment

Severe acid reflux – Causes and treatment

Acid reflux is a condition in which the acid in the stomach travels up to the esophagus causing severe heartburns. The lower esophagus has a small valve that closes as soon as the food is passed through it. Due to some issue, this valve, called the lower esophageal sphincter remains open or partially open.
Symptoms and signs of pollen allergies

Symptoms and signs of pollen allergies

Pollen allergy is one of the most common types of allergy. Most people have an adverse reaction to inhaling pollen. The immune system defends the body against harmful invaders, but in people with pollen allergies, the immune system identifies pollen as a danger and produces chemicals to fight against this pollen.
Dog allergies: symptoms and treatments

Dog allergies: symptoms and treatments

The U.S is a pet-friendly country and most people own a pet. It also proven that about 15 to 30 % of Americans are allergic to pets. Dogs are said to be man’s best friend and it is not a realistic solution to ask them to stay away from dogs as they are allergic.
Dog Allergy: An overview

Dog Allergy: An overview

A dog is a man’s best friend. But if you’re allergic to these furry animals, what do you do? There are many causal factors that are responsible for dog allergies. Dog allergies occur as a result of a weak immune system. The body of people with an allergy to dogs responds in the same way someone who is allergic to dust might respond.
Allergies – Medicines for allergy relief

Allergies – Medicines for allergy relief

About allergies If you are not getting relief from allergies for a long duration and in your regular check up, your doctor says that there is no cure for allergies, please do not get surprised. In general terms, there is no real treatment for allergies. There can be treatments and medications to lower the symptoms, and the rest would be handled by how well our immune system functions.
Kinds of medication used for Cold & Flu

Kinds of medication used for Cold & Flu

Before reaching out for those cold and flu tablets to cure your illness, pause and think. Do you really want to pack your body with chemicals that will give you a short-term relief from flu and cold? The symptoms of these illnesses generally go away on their own within 9-10 days and you don’t really need meds to treat them.
Cold & Flu – All you need to know

Cold & Flu – All you need to know

In many cases, cold and flu are often confused, and an inappropriate treatment can be given for the other symptoms. These occur due to the fact that cold and flu often carry the same traits and in most cases- often carry the same symptoms. There can be however some telltale differences that we can spot, so that we can tell the differences.
Home remedies that help in treating allergy cough symptoms

Home remedies that help in treating allergy cough symptoms

A cough is a way of reacting to any kind of allergy that a person’s immune system reacts to. When an irritant or allergic substance comes in contact with the lining of nose, throat or lungs. The constant urge to cough can be extremely irritating and cause pain in the chest.
Foods that are effective for sinus drainage

Foods that are effective for sinus drainage

Sinus drainage treatments usually include excessive use of prescribed antibiotics along with techniques like nebulization, humidification, and the like. While these are the tried and tested medical sinus drainage treatments, many people rely on natural relief remedies including nasal irrigation, taking steams, and applying compresses. Apart from these home remedies, many sinus patients believe in eating foods that help relieve sinus symptoms and allow drainage.