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Home Remedies and Treatments for Restless Legs

Home Remedies and Treatments for Restless Legs

Do you often find yourself shaking your leg restlessly? Perhaps, while listening to a lecture, attending a meeting or during a family dinner? If it feels like a compulsive behavior, you may be suffering from restless leg syndrome (RLS). Here is an insight into the syndrome and effective remedies that would help you to stop restless legs.
All You Need to Know about Sunless Tanning

All You Need to Know about Sunless Tanning

What is Sunless Tanning? Sunless tanning is known by other names such as UV-free tanning, spray tanning, fake tanning and even self-tanning. Sunless tanning is associated with applying chemicals onto the skin that generates effects, similar to what a suntan does. Our skin is made of two layers, epidermis which is the outer layer and dermis which is the inside layer.
Here’s How to Boost Your HDL Cholesterol Levels

Here’s How to Boost Your HDL Cholesterol Levels

There is a general misconception that cholesterol is bad for your health and heart. Fat is needed by the body to perform all metabolic functions. Not all cholesterol is bad. The fats that you consume, contain cholesterol in them (the levels differ depending on the food category). And it is the bad cholesterol that plays havoc with your heart health.
All You Need To Know About Basic Diabetic Meal Plans

All You Need To Know About Basic Diabetic Meal Plans

Diabetes is a chronic condition where the sugar levels in the blood become incredibly high. Today, diabetes is a widespread condition, mostly because of the kind of unhealthy lifestyle people lead.Contrary to popular opinion, having diabetes does not stop you from eating the foods you like, instead helps in including plenty of nutritious and healthy choices in your diet.
Effective Treatments for Ear Infections

Effective Treatments for Ear Infections

Ear infections are most prominent in individuals during the rainy season. High outdoor temperatures such as those exceeding 38 o C could induce ear infections. Children are more vulnerable as compared to adults getting an ear infection. Ear infection symptoms often come into effect in little time. Timely treatment must be considered in case of severe ear infections.
Simple Home Remedies for Pollen Allergy

Simple Home Remedies for Pollen Allergy

If the changing seasons make you sneeze your head off, instead of putting a spring in your step, you might have a pollen allergy. Pollen allergies or hay fever is an allergic reaction to the pollen released by plants. Pollen is a fine powder released by plants during their reproductive cycles.
Here’s How to Identify Sinus Allergy Signs

Here’s How to Identify Sinus Allergy Signs

Any type of allergy can be exhausting. Most allergies can make the strongest of us feel weak and worn down. Sinus allergies are some of the most excruciating ones. These allergies can overwhelm most people and can make even the most trivial day-to-day tasks seem overwhelming. Studies have shown that allergies if left untreated can worsen.
Popular Probiotics for Yeast Infection

Popular Probiotics for Yeast Infection

The healthy vagina hosts a small number of yeast fungus along with other bacteria. When the number of yeast increases, it is called a yeast infection. Yeast infections can occur multiple times and for many reasons. Primarily, when the balance of the bacteria in the vagina is affected, the number of yeast cells increases.
A Brief Guide on the Types of Kidney Dialysis

A Brief Guide on the Types of Kidney Dialysis

The kidneys are bean-shaped organs that play a vital role in keeping the human body functioning properly. It has many functions and the most important is waste removal. If the kidneys fail, it can put your life in danger. This is where kidney dialysis comes in. The kidneys are located on either side of your spine, in the upper abdominal cavity.
6 Effective Remedies for Treating Cold Sores

6 Effective Remedies for Treating Cold Sores

Cold sore is the infection around the lips caused by herpes simplex virus. It creates tiny fluid-filled lesions on or around the lips. Usually, cold sores affect people in the age of 14 to 60 years. The most common symptoms of a cold sore are a burning sensation in or on the skin, accompanied by sore lips, tingling lips, or ulcer, blisters, rashes, ulcers, or redness.
Back Pain on the Right Side – Types and Treatments

Back Pain on the Right Side – Types and Treatments

The most common cause of back pain on the right side is the straining of muscles. Back pain could sometimes occur due to serious medical conditions. So it is very important to understand the root cause of the same. This would allow one to know whether this has occurred due to a serious underlying condition.
Gout – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Diet Plans

Gout – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Diet Plans

Inflamed joints are a painful condition. Joint pain due to arthritic conditions like gout is one of the leading cause of pain worldwide. Gout is a type of inflammatory arthritis that is characterized by the accumulation of uric acid crystals around the joints. The course of gout is recurrent with attacks of inflammation, followed by pain that starts a few hours later.