Treatment for symptoms of viral infections
Viral infections are caused due to a number of viruses present in the environment, which can be transmitted easily depending on the type of virus and infection. Respiratory viral infections are caused due to airborne viruses while a foodborne virus can get transmitted via foods and drinks consumed. There are certain viral infections which can get transmitted sexually or even just by kissing, allowing the carrier virus to enter your system thorugh saliva.
Common symptoms of viral infections include fever, weakness, muscle aches, rash, coughing, vomiting, sneezing, diarrhea, runny nose, chills, and headache.
Severe symptoms of viral infections include changes in your personality, stiffness in the neck, sleepiness experienced more than usual, bladder impairment and irregular bowel functions, dehydration, seizures, back pain, confusion, paralysis of the limbs among others.

Although there are specific indicators of a developing viral infection, common symptoms can be quite confusing to identify on your own which is why medical attention is advised. It is imperative to consult with medical professionals as soon as the symptoms start showing up, especially in children.
Before a course of treatment can be advised by your doctors, the type of viral infection has to be diagnosed.
The various diagnostic tests include:
- A blood test which is conducted to check for the type of virus, antibodies or antigens causing the viral fever.
- Lab test which includes blood cultures, body fluids culture to isolate the causes and identify the strain of viruses.
Treatments for viral infection include:
- Vaccination is the primary method when it comes to controlling the disease which is why they say prevention is better than cure. Regular and timely vaccination against viruses will ensure a healthy immune system to tackle an imminent viral attack.
- Antiviral drugs is the second option for treatment of many of the common symptoms of a viral infection, though they are not as effective as vaccination. Antiviral drugs are developed to inhibit virus blocking proteins administered in the immune system to control and at best reduce the symptoms. However for a more effective and long lasting cure, vaccination is recommended.